Sunday, August 2, 2015

Advantages of APP Model

We  will  discuss the advantages of the SharePoint APPS

1) APP must be supported in  Office 365.
2) APP code never runs within the SharePoint Host environment.
3) APP code programs used web service entry points to minimize version specific dependencies.
4) APP code is authenticated and runs under distinct identity.
5) APP permissions can be configured independently of user permissions.
6) APPs are deployed bu using a publishing scheme based on app catalogs.
7) APPs that  are published in a catalogs are easier to  discover , install ,and upgrade.

If you have any queries please contact

SharePoint Sloution Challenges

1) Eliminating any  type of custom code that runs with  in  the SharePoint environment results in lower risk,fewer problems and greater stability for the hosting farm
 2) Ability to  upgrade  to  newer versions of SharePoint.
3) SharePoint solutions are often deployed with full trust and and perform  complex solutions.S
4) SharePoint Solution development has to  do  with security  and permissions .
 5) SharePoint code always runs under the identity and with permissions of a specific user.
6) The Sandbox solutions are protects farm and other site collections with  in the farm , but it does not really protect the content of the site collection  in which  the sandboxed solution  is activated
7) Sandboxed solutions is that there is ability to  perform impersonation  , therefore custom code in sandboxed solution always runs as the current user.
8) A farm solution developer can call SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges, which allows custom code to  impersonate the all  powerful SHAREPOINT\SYSTEM account.

If you have any queries please contact

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Exception Handling in Client Object Model

The CSOM provides a class named "ExceptionHandlingScope" that is specifically defined to support such situations and avoid executing multiple queries against the server .

ClientContext ctx = new ClientContext("http://SP2013.local/");

ExceptionHandlingScope scope = new ExceptionHandlingScope(ctx);

using (scope.StartScope()) {

using (scope.StartTry()) {

// Try to do something on the server side
using (scope.StartCatch()) {

// Do something else in case of failure on the server side
using (scope.StartFinally()) {

// Execute this code, whatever is the result of previous code blocks


The server will begin executing the code inside the StartTry block, and then in case of failure,

it will execute the code in the StartCatch block. if there is any  exceptions occur in the

StartTry block, the server will finally execute the code in the StartFinally block.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Difference between Farm Solutions and Sandbox solutions

Farm Solutions:
Farm Solutions are hosted in the IIS worker process (W3WP.exe), run code that can affect the whole Farm.
Farm Solutions are deployed by Farm Administrators.When you debug a SharePoint project whose Sandbox Solution is set to false.

Sandbox Solutions:
Sandbox Solutions are hosted in SharePoint  usercode solution worker process(SPUC Worker process)
Sandbox solutions are deployed by Site collection administrator.If you run  code that can affect the site collection of the solution.
Sandbox solutions are secure monitored process.
Sandbox solutions can be deployed without requiring  SharePoint Administrator access.

Sandbox solutions supports following  items

  • List Definition
  • List Instance 
  • Content Types
  • Event Receivers
  • Navigation 
  • SPItem Event Receiver
  • SP List Event Receiver
  • SP Web Event Receiver


  • Mapped folders cannot be  added to  the project .
  • can not be used in Sandbox solutions.
  • SPUtilities.SendMal  is not allowed  in Sandbox solutions